Artist Statement
I believe my body is my everything. It is my only way to be in the world, my only way to connect with the world, my only tool for creativity, joy, love, pleasure, friendship, prayer. My human brain, arguably the most powerful part of my human body, is able at times to convince me that it is somehow separate from my body. That lie is where all the trouble in the world begins. The genius of animals is that they possess no such deceit, so it is not surprising that I long for animal connectedness. My current work is about my body. My fat, wiggly, middle-aged, near-sighted, flat-footed, green-eyed, pendulous, sterile, hairy, soft, sexy, smart, funny, flirty, female, slow, dreamy, depressed, creative, crafty, nimble, dressed-up, stripped-down, sick, healthy, strong, stressed, talking, eating, drinking, digesting, crying, animal, chemical, oozing, squirting, brainy, bloody, nervy, painful, dancing, glowing, beautiful, in-your-face body. It is about yours, too.
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Jennifer Zee is a contemporary fiber artist, living and working in Washington DC. When she was a child, sewing was an important part of Jennifer’s play – she repaired her doll’s clothing and performed “operations” to heal her stuffed animals when they were torn. Later, she used her mother’s sewing machine to make gifts for her friends and family. After earning her BFA in wood and furniture design at Buffalo State College, she established herself as an art teacher, first in Western New York, and then in Maryland and Washington DC. Now, she stitches together anatomical and conceptual threads to create art that explores and celebrates the contradictions in life. Maryland Institute College of Art awarded Jennifer a MA in art education in 2016. She has shown her artwork in Buffalo, NY, Philadelphia, PA, and in and around Baltimore, MD.